Our regular events include media briefings, training workshops, networking sessions, report launches and our annual CEO’s dinner. These events are held exclusively for our membership.
On April 2, we will be publishing new research on coverage of global issues by the UK public service broadcasters.
Many IBT members have asked us to organise a session on podcasts, which continue to grow in popularity. In this session, we will hear from the BBC, Al Jazeera and The Guardian about some of their key podcasts that explore international issues. We’ll find out how the podcasts are put together, and opportunities to pitch ideas or guests to the production teams.
We will be talking in particular about three podcasts: Where in the World (from the BBC World Service), The Take (from Al Jazeera) and Today in Focus (from The Guardian).
Bookings are now closed for this event.
Wednesday March 19 2025
This will be an in-person briefing at Sky News HQ in Isleworth in south-west London. This is the first time that we have organised such an event. It’s a great opportunity to get to know the Sky News team and see how the newsroom works.
We will be meeting the foreign news and digital teams. Sky has strong track record of international reporting under Tim Singleton, head of international news. Also, as many of you will know, Sky has recently announced a new video-first strategy which will prioritise digital news over the news channel. We will be hearing more about this.
Both groups will be meeting Danielle Weekes-Chilufya, Programme Editor, The World with Yalda Hakim.
Unfortunately, since demand is likely to be high, and Sky does not have space for everyone, we are limiting places to one person per member organisation. Please register below if you would like to attend.
There will be two sessions, one from 10-12 and the other from 2-4. You will be allocated to one of these. However, if you have a preference for one session over the other, then please let us know. Email henry@ibt.org.uk
Schedule for the day:
Session 1:
10:00 – 10:30 Coffee & networking
10:30 – 11:15 Briefing with Tim Singleton and Foreign Editor
11:15 – 11:45 Briefing with Head of Digital
11:45 – 12:00 Newsroom tour
Session 2:
14:00 – 14:30 Coffee & networking
14:30 – 15:15 Briefing with Tim Singleton and Foreign Editor
15:15 – 15:45 Briefing with Head of Digital
15:45 – 16:00 Newsroom tour
Sky campus, Grant Way, Isleworth, Surrey TW7 5QD
An in-person event to debate media coverage of refugees and migration. We will hear from a range of speakers with different views on the quality of media coverage of these issues and we’ll be asking how the media could do a better job.
This is a joint event with ODI and will take place at their offices in Southwark from 10-11.30am on Thursday February 13th. It will be chaired by Yalda Hakim, who presents a nightly international news programme on Sky News.
Andrew Connelly, presenter, Fortress Europe podcast
Vivienne Francis, director, One World Media and The Refugee Journalism Project
Jessica Hagen-Zanker, head of migration hub, ODI
Nazek Ramadan, founder, Migrant Voice
Diane Taylor, correspondent, The Guardian
Emma Young, executive producer, Go Back to Where You Came From
This month we’ll hear from three media outlets that specialise in original and investigative journalism. We’ll hear what kind of stories they are looking for and what the opportunities are for collaborating with them on investigations.
In our latest report, we look at the media response to decolonisation and anti-racism and explore how charities and the media can work together more effectively to promote this agenda. The report author, Henry Roberts, will present his key findings and recommendations for future action and we will hear from a panel of experts.
We’re excited to invite IBT members to an exclusive in-person workshop at TikTok’s London Offices. This is a unique opportunity to learn how your charity can tap into one of the world’s most influential entertainment platforms to reach new audiences, raise awareness, and generate support.
Many in the charity sector are thinking about leaving the social media platform X because of the political nature of its leadership and the toxic environment that X has become. It’s also clear that the algorithms being used by the platform are working against charities, which means that far fewer of our followers are seeing our content.
We are hosting this session in order to hear from charities who have decided to leave, like ACEVO, or those who have reduced their presence on the platform, like CharityComms. Speakers from these organisations will share their experience. We also want to hear from IBT members.
On Assignment is ITV’s monthly international current affairs strand made by ITV News.
We’ll be hearing from its two executive producers, Natalie Hill and Delilah Jeary. They’ll be telling us what they are looking for and how best to pitch ideas to them and their colleagues on ITV News. This is a great opportunity for IBT members to pitch ideas aimed at a mainstream ITV audience.
12 noon – 1.15pm on Wednesday September 18th 2024 on Zoom
We will hear from Niko Price, deputy director of video at AP in London.
Niko will talk us through all things AP – we’ll hear about how the organisation works, who is in London, how best to engage with the London team, including pitching story ideas and video.
Niko helps direct AP’s live and edited video for broadcast and digital customers around the world, working with a team of hundreds of video journalists and producers.
You can follow Niko on X @nikoprice
How can charities do better at engaging younger audiences?
Jeremy will show us how charities can be more effective in reaching and engaging young audiences, drawing on his experience of launching TikTok and Snapchat channels at BBC News.
12-1.15pm on Wednesday July 3 on Zoom
During his talk, Jeremy will cover:
• What he did at BBC and why it worked – strategy overview and implementation
• Choosing the right KPI – what are you trying to do on social? Too little?
• Being true to the brand – how do you reinterpret your brand for a young audience?
• (Consistently) setting the right tone – the balance between the brand and the platform
• Empowering staff/letting go – it might not be apparent but your staff share the brand values, just express them differently
• Knowing the algorithm but not being in hoc to it – back to knowing your key KPI and not chasing the viral hit
This event is suitable for anyone working in social media for a charity – or interested in having a better understanding of how the social media landscape is changing and where to find young audiences.
Jeremy will show examples of good and bad practice and answer any questions. Please let us have your questions in advance or on the day. Email henry@ibt.org.uk
Our next panel debate will explore how the media is covering some of the world’s neglected humanitarian crises – Somalia, Sudan, Myanmar, Haiti and many more. How do editors decide which global stories to cover? What are the practical challenges of covering stories in places where security is a major challenge? How can international NGOs be most effective in working with the media to cover these important stories? Does more aid flow as a result of media coverage? Are there alternative ways to cover these stories to give those most affected a bigger voice?
Thank you for your interest in this event. We are now at capacity. If you wish to be added to the waiting list, please register as normal and we will get in touch if there is space.
Channel 4 will be hosting a special screening of this recent episode of Unreported World for IBT members in collaboration with One World Media. The film investigates the plight of pregnant women who are fleeing gang violence in Haiti and having their babies in the neighbouring Dominican Republic. Unreported World is Channel 4’s primetime global current affairs strand with a focus on telling stories that do not usually reach the mainstream media. We’re delighted to partner with them for this event.
The screening will be followed by a Q and A and networking.
Chair: Krishnan Guru-Murthy, Lead Presenter, Channel 4 News
Guillermo Galdos, Latin America correspondent, Channel 4 News
Russell Gates, Regional Director, Central Africa and Haiti, Concern Worldwide
Andy Lee, Series Producer for Unreported World, Channel 4 (@AndyLeeC4)
Nevine Mabro, Commissioning Editor, News and Current Affairs, Channel 4
The screening will take place at Channel 4 in Horseferry Road, London SW1 on Tuesday May 21st. This is an in-person event only. There will be no livestream.
6.30pm registration and drinks
7pm Film screening and Q and A
8pm Networking and drinks
8.30pm Event ends
For this month’s special briefing we meet two leading newspaper editors who are making their mark outside London and we hear about some of the radical changes that have taken place in the national and regional press. Both newspapers now have a strong online presence.
Tulip Mazumdar, Global Health Correspondent, BBC News
Paul Nuki, Senior Editor, Global Health, Security and Campaigns, The Daily Telegraph
Both The Telegraph and BBC News have a big commitment to covering global health.
We’ll be asking Paul and Tulip about the kind of stories they’re interested in covering and how best to pitch to them and their colleagues.
12- 1.15 Wednesday April 24 on Zoom
There has been much comment about the rise of GB News and criticism of its overtly right wing approach to news. For this briefing, we have invited Sophie Berman, Executive Editor, News, to talk to us about the new channel.
What does she see as its USP? What opportunities are there for IBT members to pitch stories and appear as guests? If you’re thinking about whether you want to work with GB News, here’s your chance to make up your mind.
Wednesday March 20th on Zoom. 12 noon UK time.
The FT’s Africa editor, David Pilling, will talk to us about the kind of stories he’s covering and how best to pitch ideas to him and his colleagues (via Zoom).
You can follow David on X: @davidpilling
Our first briefing of 2024 will be with Al Jazeera English. We’ll be hearing from Ben Rayner, their Executive Producer, based in London. Ben will talk us through how best to pitch stories to him and his colleagues. He will also explain some of the changes that have taken place recently at Al Jazeera English and the implications for the London team.
Join us for an in-depth photography masterclass with photographer Jonathan Perugia.
Jonathan has worked for a number of NGOs over his career and advocates for charities and media to be more mindful of power dynamics when commissioning photographers.
We will be looking at a number of issues including how UK-based media officers can most effectively work with freelancers. The event will be chaired by our Advocacy Director Gareth Benest. Topics covered will include:
The event will last from 10am to 1pm on Wednesday 13th December over Zoom.
You can read the blog Jonathan wrote for IBT earlier this year here.
Join us as we launch our brand new report, Fighting for Space: International content and the future of public service media in a digital-first era, written by our Advocacy Director Gareth Benest.
The event will be held in the CPA Room in Westminster Hall and will include a drinks reception.
The panel will include:
Ritula Shah (Chair), former Presenter of The World Tonight on BBC Radio 4
Jonathan Munro, Deputy CEO BBC News & Director of Journalism
Esme Wren, Editor, Channel 4 News
Gareth Barr, Director of Policy and Regulation, ITV
Catherine Johnson, Professor of Media and Communications, University of Leeds
Westminster Hall can be accessed via the visitor’s entrance on Cromwell Green. Police on the gate will ask you which event you are attending and they may also ask you to show your email invite. Please arrive early as there is often a queue to clear security.
Running order:
6pm – Arrive. Drinks reception.
6:30 – Panel discussion
7:30 – Debate ends. Drinks.
8pm – Event ends.
COP28 – the media challenge. How should the media report on the latest UN climate conference? What will the key issues be? How can we all do more to engage mainstream audiences with the climate emergency?
9.30 – 11.30am on Wednesday November 1st.
9:00 – Arrivals and tea/coffee
9.30 – Panel debate
11:00 – Tea/coffee
11.30 – Event ends
This is a joint event with IBT member ODI which will be hosting us at their offices in Blackfriars Road (opposite Southwark tube).
Confirmed speakers:
If you have trouble signing up, email Henry at henry@ibt.org.uk
Helen Nianias, deputy editor of Vice News in London, will talk us through recent changes at the organisation, the sort of stories they are most interested in and who best to approach with ideas.
We’ll be hearing from Rhian Williams who will update us on the latest changes affecting all the major social media platforms including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and TikTok.
We’ll be hearing from producer Rosie Cutler who will talk us through how Times Radio works, the sort of stories and guests they are interested in and how best to pitch to Rosie and her colleagues.
Join us for this special briefing with the BBC News channel just weeks after its launch. The new global news channel is the result of a merger between BBC News (for UK audiences only) and BBC World News (for global audiences). It’s the first time that the BBC has provided a 24 hour genuinely global news service for UK audiences. We believe this represents an important opportunity for IBT members to reach both UK and global audiences.
We’ll be hearing from Taz Ali, acting deputy foreign editor at the i, which has been widely praised for the quality of its international coverage both in the newspaper and online. Taz will talk to us about the i’s strategy and how best to pitch ideas to her and her colleagues.
We will be hearing from the News Movement, which launched in early 2021 as the world’s first social-first news outlet. Charities can learn how to pitch their stories to the News Movement.
We will be presenting the findings of our latest report, TikTok – a guide for charities, and talking to a panel of experts about the report’s recommendations.
We’ll be hearing from Tom Feilden, Assistant Editor on Today, Radio 4’s flagship news programme. Tom will talk us through how the Today team works and the best way to pitch ideas to him and his colleagues. He’ll also talk about his own brief – science and the environment – which he covers for the programme. This is a rare opportunity to engage with one of the most important news shows in the UK.
Rhian is an active TikToker and in this masterclass she will guide us through the platform, explaining how it works and the kind of content that is successful. She will show us how a range of NGOs make use of it to reach young audiences.
We will hear from Mark Bendeich, London-based Global Managing Editor, Politics, Economics and World News. Mark will introduce us to the Reuters news agency which plays a key role in distributing breaking news, financial news and video to a range of clients and audiences.
We’ll be hearing from Jonathan Rosenthal, London-based Africa editor with the Economist. Jonathan will talk to us about the magazine’s Africa coverage and the best way to pitch ideas to him and his colleagues.
We’ll be hearing from Andy Lee, series producer on Channel 4’s international current affairs strand, Unreported World.
Dylan Mathews, CEO of Peace Direct, will be leading this event. He will talk us through Peace Direct’s research on the decolonisation agenda and the aid sector, highlighting key takeaways for comms and media professionals working in the sector.
We are organising a networking event for our members to share their experiences of working with the media.
We’ll be hearing from Sarah Newey, Acting Deputy Editor on the Global Health Security team at the Telegraph. Its content includes breaking news, features, debate and opinion. As well as covering mainstream health issues such as Covid, Ebola and other diseases, it also looks at the social and political instability caused by war and natural disasters and the impact of climate change.
Esme Wren, the new editor of Channel 4 News, will be talking to IBT members about the future direction of the programme and its international coverage.
Our new report, Charity campaigning: where next? shares lesson learnt from campaigners and social media experts about finding the right message, campaigning on social media, utilising the media and campaigning collaboratively. Join us for the findings of the report and to hear from our expert panel.
Nick Ericsson, Planning Editor with BBC Africa, will talk us through recent changes at the BBC and how best to pitch ideas to him and his colleagues.
In this event we hear from a range of media that specialise in reporting global stories and issues and find out how they have been faring in a time of Covid.
We will hear from CNN, Sky News, the BBC and WWF, and Gaby Hornsby will share the BBC’s internal audience research to help us understood what sort of coverage is most successful in engaging mainstream audiences.
We’re hosting an informal peer learning session on podcasting for any of our members who would like to discuss their experiences working on a podcast and members who are thinking of starting their own podcast.
Jude Shapiro, producer of the We are VOICES podcast, will present this masterclass along with one of the refugees who worked on the podcast.
We’ll be hearing from John Orme, a leading expert on crisis comms, and Sean Ryan, Media Director at Save the Children.
We’ll be hearing from Richard Allen Greene, Head of Content at CNN in London.
We’ll be hosting two half day social media training sessions on 12th and 13th October.
We’ll be hosting two half day social media training sessions on 12th and 13th October.
Matt McGrath, the BBC’s Environment correspondent, will be talking us through the BBC’s plans for its coverage in the run up to COP26.
We’re hosting a peer learning session on podcasting for any of our members who would like to discuss their experiences working on a podcast.
Rachel Humphreys, producer and presenter of the Guardian’s award winning Today in Focus, will present this masterclass.
Sarah Whitehead, Deputy Head of Newsgathering is in charge of Sky’s climate change coverage in the run up to COP26. She recently launched The Daily Climate Show with 15 minutes a day of coverage of the issue, and a weekly podcast, Climatecast. Sarah will talk us through how best to pitch ideas to her and her colleagues and the sort of stories they are looking for.
Dan Stewart, International Editor of Time magazine and news website, will talk us through how best to pitch ideas to him and his colleagues and the sort of stories they are looking for. Dan is based in London and keen to hear story ideas from IBT members.
In this event, which IBT is holding jointly with the Media Reform Coalition, we’ll hear from a range of speakers on how successful UK media has been at giving audiences an international perspective on the pandemic.
Nevine Mabro, Deputy Editor of Channel 4 News will talk about her plans for the new series of Unreported World.
Tracy McVeigh, Editor at Guardian Development will talk us through changes in their editorial priorities, the sort of stories she’s looking for and how to pitch ideas.
In our new report, we track the changes that have taken place in the media industry and identify how INGOs can take advantage of them to engage more effectively with a range of audiences. Join us for the findings of our latest report and to hear from our expert panel.
Sean Stephens, London bureau chief for Vice News, will talk us through the London operation, the sort of stories they are looking for and how best to pitch ideas to them.
We’ll be hearing from Scarlett Maguire, who produces the breakfast show on Times Radio. She’ll talk us through the new radio station’s schedule, editorial priorities and how best to pitch ideas.
Hannah Bennett, who leads on Charity Partnerships at TikTok, will give us an overview of TikTok, and provide examples and advice on how charities can make the best use of the platform.
Anna Doble, Digital Editor, will talk about the World Service’s innovative digital content and its growing podcast output.
Tim Singleton, Head of International News, will talk us through his priorities for Sky’s international coverage and how best to pitch ideas to him and his team.
Sarah Brown, Head of News Partnerships, will talk us through some of the latest changes at Facebook and give examples and advice on how charities can make the best use of the platform.
We are delighted to welcome Gemma Fox, Deputy International Editor to talk about The Independent, the sort of stories she is interested in and how best to pitch ideas to her.
For this briefing, we will be hearing from Sola Tayo who works on the foreign planning desk. She will talk us through how the BBC News planning team works and how best to pitch ideas to the different planning editors. Sola is responsible for planning for BBC World Service Languages.
In this special session for Trustees from IBT’s member organisations we will look at how a Trustee can join Twitter and use the platform to promote the work of their charity. We will also look at how Twitter can help a charity to achieve its strategic goals.
We’ll be hearing from Michael Herrod, Head of Foreign News and Tom Clarke, Science Correspondent. Michael will talk us through ITV’s international coverage and the sort of stories that work best
In this session we’ll be looking at how INGOs can make the best use of the platform. We’ll be hearing from Katy Minshall, Head of Policy and Philanthropy at Twitter and will also be sharing a case study from Simon Edmunds, Senior Digital Manager at Save the Children
We’ll be hearing from Will Worley, UK Correspondent at Devex. We’ll be hearing about how Devex works, their coverage of COVID-19, and the best way to pitch stories to them.
We’ll be hearing from Belinda Goldsmith, Editor-in-chief at Thomson Reuters Foundation, she will explain how TRF works and the best way to pitch stories to them.
We’ll be hearing from Joe Elsworth, Account Director at LADbible. Joe will talk to us about their social strategy and how they are successfully engaging with young audiences.
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